Mesmo depois de muitos testes, eu ainda tenho dificuldade para carimbar. Acho muito difícil transferir a imagem perfeitamente na unha, por isso na maioria das vezes opto por criar uma película.
Even after a lot of trials I still have a hard time when it comes to stamping. I think it's quite difficult transferring the image perfectly onto the nail, that's why I use the nail decal technique most of the times.
Essa semana recebi uns produtos da Born Pretty Store para testar e o primeiro que vou mostrar pra vocês é a placa QA88.
This week I recieved some products for review from Born Pretty Store and the first one I'm showing you is the stamping plate QA88.
A QA88 tem estampa linda de arabescos, que cobrem toda a placa. Essa é primeira placa que eu tenho nesse estilo, de estampa inteiriça, e eu achei que fosse ter dificuldade em carimbar com ela, mas foi super tranquilo. Venho me surpreendendo (positivamente) com as placas vendidas na Born Pretty. Os desenhos tem boa profundidade e a imagem é certinha. Além disso, as placas são super baratas, essa custa USD$2.09 (cerca de R$4.80).
QA88 has a very beautiful arabesque pattern that covers all the plate's surface. This is the first plate of this kind I get, with a big pattern, and I thought it was going to be a living hell for stamping, but I adjusted just fine. I've being well impressed by the quality of the plates sold at BPS. The patterns have a good depth and the images are beautiful. Besides that, the plate are REALLY cheap (this one costs only $2.09).
A placa QA88 é vendida na Born Pretty Store por USD$2.09. Lembrando que você pode ganhar 10% de desconto usando meu código RZL91 e o frete é gratuito.
QA88 is sold at Born Pretty Store for $2.09. They offer worldwide free shipping and you can get 10% off in your order using my code RZL91. =]
Even after a lot of trials I still have a hard time when it comes to stamping. I think it's quite difficult transferring the image perfectly onto the nail, that's why I use the nail decal technique most of the times.
Essa semana recebi uns produtos da Born Pretty Store para testar e o primeiro que vou mostrar pra vocês é a placa QA88.
This week I recieved some products for review from Born Pretty Store and the first one I'm showing you is the stamping plate QA88.
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Source: Born Pretty Store |
QA88 has a very beautiful arabesque pattern that covers all the plate's surface. This is the first plate of this kind I get, with a big pattern, and I thought it was going to be a living hell for stamping, but I adjusted just fine. I've being well impressed by the quality of the plates sold at BPS. The patterns have a good depth and the images are beautiful. Besides that, the plate are REALLY cheap (this one costs only $2.09).
O esmalte escolhido para ser estreado hoje é o Flare da Mohda, que faz parte da coleção Jeans. Já usei um outro esmalte dessa coleção, o Skinny, e postei no Instagram. Eles tem efeito nacarado que, pra mim, nada mais é do que um glass flecked.
The nail polish I chose to be featured today is Mohda Flare, that's part of the Jeans collection. I've wore another shade from this collection, called Skinny, and posted on my Instagram. All these polishes have glass flecked finishing.
Para criar a nail art no médio e anelar, fiz uma película, colorindo a imagem da placa com o Flare, o Frapê de Limão da Dote, o Flor-Bela da Preta Gil e o Boneca da Lorena. Usei o Na Estrada da Impala como base. Fiz um tutorial pra essa técnica, é só clicar aqui pra assistir.
To do this nail art on my middle and ring fingers, I created a nail decal, filling the image from the plate with these polishes: Flare, Dote Frapê de Limão, Preta Gil Flor-Bela and Lorena Boneca. I used Impala Na Estrada as my base color. A while ago I made a tutorial for these decals, click here to watch it.
A placa QA88 é vendida na Born Pretty Store por USD$2.09. Lembrando que você pode ganhar 10% de desconto usando meu código RZL91 e o frete é gratuito.
QA88 is sold at Born Pretty Store for $2.09. They offer worldwide free shipping and you can get 10% off in your order using my code RZL91. =]
A placa QA88 foi enviada pela loja online Born Pretty Store para teste. Todas as opiniões impressas nesse post são completamente honesta e de forma algumas influenciadas pela empresa.
The plate QA88 was sent by the online store Born Pretty Store for reviewing purposes. All my opinions are honest and not influenced by the company.
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